“A destination to understand, commercialise, and scale up your Agtech business”
Agtech Export is your partner in Australia and Brazil by offering the following services.
Discovery services

We provide a consultancy service to:
- Discuss and assess to determine whether your product is able to expand internationally or not
- Provide market intelligence in the target country related to your product profile
- Prepare an action plan with a go-to-market strategy, including competitors, buying behaviour, cultural aspects, potential distributors, and partners.
Each company is different, so our approach is tailored made to satisfy your needs. Do not assume the business practices, customer profile, culture and buying behaviours are the same as in your country of origin. Start thinking to expand to another country is super-exciting but needs a careful plan to land there to save you time and money.
In country visit

We provide an “agtech trade mission” services to:
- Organize a cohort of companies to have a collective mission to explore foreign market
- Plan and organize visits to trade shows and business networking agenda
- Identify regions and companies more suitable to visit
Each country and region have particular logistics and needs. With 11 to 14 hours’ time difference and half-world distance, there is a need to cater for travelling time, jetlag recovery plan and local travel to attend many regions.
Local presence

When the moment is right, we can provide in-country services, including:
- Setting up company structure, office space and interim management.
- Identify suitable lawyers, accountants, and other professionals.
- Identify office location and company registration
Start a business in a foreign country and is a complex endeavour, specially for small and medium size business with small budget and lack of international experience. That’s why a local partner can help to smooth this process.